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What To Look For In Thrips Cannabis

What To Look For In Thrips Cannabis

There are many pests cannabis plants fight against as they try to have a successful growth cycle. You need to identify the signs of these pests, including thrips to combat and sustain plant growth. 

Thrips begin attacking the plants after they hatch from their eggs and thrive in temperatures over 77 degrees fahrenheit. Keep an eye on your plants to see if yellow or black spots accumulate, the fruit becomes distorted, there are tiny yellow bugs underneath leaves, and the leaves turn pale.  

Many growers know how to identify thrips and others need further knowledge about them to see if they have them in their plants. 

We are going to identify the signs of thrips and how to treat them for plant longevity that you should know about.

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What Are The Signs Of Thrips Damage? 

When you have thrips in your cannabis gardens, it can prove challenging to identify if you have these kinds of pests or other kinds. 

Here are the signs of thrip damage: 

  1. Yellow spotting or speckles on leaves: There’s yellow spotting on leaves that aren’t big but are small in several places. 
  2. Distorted fruit: The buds of the plant aren’t fully developed and appear distorted. 
  3. Larger leaves will have a silver look to them: These larger leaves look to have silver coloration on them. 
  4. Small black spots on leaves: There should be a trail of black spots on the leaves of the plants. 
  5. Tiny insects underneath leaves: When you look underneath the leaves, there are small insects. 
  6. Pale leaves: The leaves appear pale in color and don’t look healthy. 

These are some signs of thrips damaging the cannabis plant that you should look for and need to take extra precautions to sustain your plants. 

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Thrips On Cannabis Plants?

Thrips can be challenging to get rid of on cannabis plants, but you can with the right treatments and methods.

When you use the right methods to eradicate thrips on cannabis plants, you can have sustainable plants. 

There are some steps you can take to get rid of these unwanted pests and doesn’t take alot. 

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How To Treat Thrips Cannabis? 

There are several ways to treat thrips on cannabis plants that involve specific treatments.

Here are some ways to get rid of thrips:

  • Remove infected leaves: When you look underneath the leaves, you should see them as either black, brown, or yellow-colored bugs. If you see them, remove the leaves.
  • Use Treatments: You can use a treatment spray designed to eradicate thrips or you can use alternative methods like neem oil mixed with water. 
  • Apply soap: You can put some soap in a spray bottle and treat the areas that are infected. 
  • Use Other Good Bugs: You can put bugs on the cannabis plants that eat thrips and won’t harm your cannabis plants. 

By using these ways to treat thrips, you can have healthier cannabis plants that bear fruit. They aren’t too challenging and don’t involve too much effort to utilize them. 

What’s The Best Spray To Treat Thrips On Cannabis Plants? 

An ideal spray to treat thrips is to incorporate neem oil combined with water and potassium soap. These can fight off thrips that won’t harm the plants. 

When thrips are infesting your garden, it’s best to catch them early to keep the majority of your plant alive. Some methods require you to trim the infected areas of the plant, so it’s best to pay extra attention to your plants.

More Marijuana Resources

Looking for the best supplies to grow cannabis? Houseplant Resource Center has you covered.

We sell high-quality gardening supplies for any type of grower. We love helping cannabis enthusiasts cultivate their first plants. Check out our Amazon Store to learn more about our products.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  

Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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