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Leaf septoria vs calcium deficiency wreak havoc on your plants, but both are hard to pinpoint. Let's dive in and learn more.

Leaf Septoria Vs Calcium Deficiency

Leaf septoria vs calcium deficiency wreak havoc on your plants, but both are hard to pinpoint. 

Knowing what to look for in leaf septoria and calcium deficiency can give you insight into growing cannabis plants successfully. 

In cannabis plants, leaf septoria can appear in light yellow to brown spots and calcium deficiency can give your cannabis plants low ph levels. These are the indicators you have either plant symptom. 

We will guide you on the two symptoms and offer various ways you can treat them for long-term cannabis growth. 

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What’s The Difference Between Leaf Septoria And Calcium Deficiency? 

Leaf septoria is a known fungus called septoria lycopersici and attacks the plant in different stages. Calcium Deficiency is the lack of this nutrient that cannabis plants need to thrive long-term. 

These two are easy to spot if you know exactly what you’re looking for in your cannabis plants.

Leaf septoria vs calcium deficiency wreak havoc on your plants, but both are hard to pinpoint. Let's dive in and learn more.
Leaf Septoria Vs Calcium Deficiency 6

What Does Leaf Septoria And Calcium Deficiency Look Like? 

Leaf septoria will show within the leaves of the cannabis plants that show yellow and brown spots. Calcium deficiency appears in the soil if it contains a low ph level. 

If the ph levels are normal within the soil of the cannabis plants, then the plants may have leaf septoria. 

Identifying if the plants have calcium deficiency is pretty simple since all you need is a soil detection tool to analyze the ph levels.

Leaf septoria is easy to uncover once you rule out calcium deficiency and you can begin finding ways to combat it. 

How Do You Treat Leaf Septoria?

When you discover your plants have leaf septoria, you can treat the plants using these protocols. 

These include the following: 

  • Trimming infected foliage: Trim the areas that are infected with leaf septoria and make sure you find all the areas. If you catch it early, you may reduce the spread of the fungi. 
  • Enhance Air circulation: You need to ensure there’s enough air circulation in the environment for those growing indoors. For those growing outdoors, it may be hard to find ways to improve circulation. You can possibly opt for a fan to improve the air and trim excess buds or leaves to give the plant more airflow outdoors. 
  • Limit moisture: Plants need less moisture by avoiding overwatering them. Giving the plants too much water can attract leaf septoria. 
  • Reduce weeds: If you’re growing outdoors, make sure to reduce the weeds and get rid of them. 
  • Monitor temperature: Make sure to monitor temperature levels to reduce humidity. This can help prevent and get rid of leaf septoria. 
  • Use natural oils or fungicides: When you use natural oils or fungicides, you can eliminate them and prevent future fungi growth.  

These are ways you can prevent leaf septoria and calcium deficiency.

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Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

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How Do You Treat Calcium Deficiency?

If you think your plants are suffering from calcium deficiency, you can look into these protocols to treat them.

These include the following:

  • Check the percent of relative humidity (RH%): A high RH can give your plants calcium deficiency and bad airflow can contribute to it as well. 
  • Use foliar sprays: You can add a percentage of calcium and ph to the spray and then add them to your plants. 
  • Adequate Calcium: You can place calcium nutrients within the feed you’re giving to the plants. Another option is to use the calcium drench protocol to ensure your plants are getting enough. 

These are the ways you can treat calcium deficiency and can help make your plants grow throughout their life cycle. 

What Is The Best Chemical For Leaf Septoria And Calcium Deficiency? 

There are several good chemical treatments for leaf septoria, but a good natural one is neem oil. You can also use a few other ones to combat the fungi. 

When treating calcium deficiency, you can opt for a calcium nutrient feed to give plants optimal growth. You can also conduct a calcium drench to supplement the plant’s deficiency. 

Looking for the best supplies to grow cannabis? Houseplant Resource Center has you covered.

We sell high-quality gardening supplies for any type of grower. We love helping cannabis enthusiasts cultivate their first plants. Check out our Amazon Store to learn more about our products.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  

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Indoor Plant Food

Are you starving your Marijuana plant?

Made specifically for marijuana plants, our plant food will help guide your plants to a longer, more beautiful life and provide the most care possible.

Indoor Plant Soil

Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

Enjoy healthy, marijuana plant leaves and stop stressing about your plant!

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