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Ordered high-quality White Durban Strain seeds and not sure how to make the most out of your indoor grow? Check out our growing tips guide.

How To Grow White Durban Strain Indoors

White Durban Strain Indoor Grow Setup Tips

Growing marijuana indoors is challenging but also incredibly rewarding. The White Durban strain is an excellent choice for indoor growing, as its short flowering time, strong yields, and delicious flavor make it a perfect option for novice growers. With the right setup and care, you can produce some truly amazing buds with this strain.

White Durban Plant Highlights

This particular strain can grow up to 80 inches tall, with a typical flowering period of 10-12 weeks. A typical yield when grown indoors averages 400 grams per square meter, and the buds are notorious for their attractive, bright white coloration.

The aroma and flavor of White Durban is sweet and earthy, with a hint of rose, lemon, and diesel. These qualities are primarily due to the high concentration of therapeutic terpenes such as Myrecyne, Terpinolene, and Limonene.

When grown under the best conditions White Durban averages 18% THC in its Sativa cannabinoid profile. With other uplifting and energizing minor cannabinoids such as CBG and CBD, this strain could be an excellent choice for those needing an extra kick during the day.

Setting Up A White Durban Indoor Grow Space

The height of these cannabis plants can reach 80 inches or more, so it is important to have enough space for your plants to grow. If you are using a tent, make sure the height of the tent is at least 6 feet or 1.8 meters.

If growing your marijuana in pots, leave space between them so air can circulate freely. A well-ventilated grow area is essential for the health of your cannabis plants, as too much humidity or stagnant air can encourage mold and fungus.

Light placement recommendations from expert cannabis growers are to keep lights 12 to 24 inches away from the top canopy of your plants. Too far and your plants may not receive enough light; too close could potentially burn them. 

As such, you may need to experiment and monitor the light for a few days to find the perfect distance.

Ordered high-quality White Durban Strain seeds and not sure how to make the most out of your indoor grow? Check out our growing tips guide.
How To Grow White Durban Strain Indoors 4

White Durban Indoor Growing Tips

Both the unique terpene profile and the tall, towering size common to Sativa strains mean that growers should pay extra special attention to:

  • Temperature & Humidity. White Durban usually thrives in a slightly warmer environment than other marijuana strains. Keep your indoor space between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit and maintain humidity at around 60%.
  • Lighting. A good quality HID light is vital for growing this strain indoors. These lights are more effective than LEDs and can penetrate through the thick foliage and reach down to the bottom of the canopy, which is essential for encouraging growth at the lower parts of the plant.
  • Nutrients. This strain is a heavy feeder and will need plenty of regular nutrient applications to support its growth and flowering. It’s advised to use a nutrient solution with adequate nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other essential micronutrients for optimal results.

Additionally, while the strain’s genetics makes it resistant to many common pests, diseases, and molds, should any of these issues occur, take action as soon as possible using only all-natural, organic cannabis plant pesticides and fungicides.

Grow White Durban Strain Easily Indoors

Visually stunning and with even better effects, White Durban is an ideal strain for indoor growing. With a tall and fragrant structure, growers just need to ensure the right environment and nutrients are in place for a bountiful harvest.

For more advice on growing the White Durban strain, download our free bonus pack with everything you need to know about getting the best yield from this strain.

More Marijuana Resources

Looking for the best supplies to grow cannabis? Houseplant Resource Center has you covered.

We sell high-quality gardening supplies for any type of grower. We love helping cannabis enthusiasts cultivate their first plants. Check out our Amazon Store to learn more about our products.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  

Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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