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Want to make the most of your Bubble Gum Gelato strain seeds? Read the Marijuana Resource Center guide to maximizing yield size.

How To Grow Bubble Gum Gelato Strain With Massive Yields

The Secret To Massive Bubble Gum Gelato Strain Yields

Ensuring a high Bubble Gum Gelato strain yield requires growers to monitor and adjust critical variables carefully. With pH, temperature, nutrients, light, and low-stress training techniques, cultivators can maximize their yields and grow the best quality Bubble Gum Gelato.

Our guide will help growers concerned about their current crop, new to cultivating, and veterans alike all understand the most efficient ways to get the best yields so they never run out of the fantastic, therapeutic effects of this easy-to-grow cannabis strain.

How To Maximize Bubble Gum Gelato Yield

No one growing task will comprehensively guarantee a maximum yield. Instead, growers must continually employ several methods throughout the crop’s life cycle to maximize their Bubble Gum Gelato yield.

Monitor pH Levels

Bubble Gum Gelato cannabis plants thrive in soil between 6-7 pH levels, so make sure to frequently test, adjust, and monitor the pH of your soil when grown in a hydroponic setup.

If the soil is too alkaline, consider adding lemon juice or other natural, gentle acidic solutions to lower the pH. On the other hand, if your soil is too acidic, you can add wood ash or ground/pulverized limestone to raise the pH.

With the proper pH balance, your plants will have the optimal soil conditions to grow sturdy root systems, stalks, and buds that will produce a large yield.

Ensure the Right Temperature & Humidity Levels

Temperature and humidity play an essential role in maximizing Bubble Gum Gelato yields, as the plant requires temperatures between 65-80°F (18-26°C) to thrive. This heat level encourages healthy growth and resin production – maximizing the quantity and quality of your yield.

You’ll need to install an air conditioner or humidifier in your grow room to achieve optimal temperature and humidity levels. This will maintain consistent temperatures and optimize the conditions for your plants – ensuring a larger harvest weight.

Provide Nutrients and Light Schedules

During the flowering stage, Bubble Gum Gelato plants require a heavy dose of phosphorus and potassium to reach peak yield potential. These nutrients will help produce larger buds and increase resin production, yielding a higher quantity and quality of cannabis crop.

As for light, this plant does best when exposed to approximately 18-hour light cycles throughout the vegetative stage and 12-hour light cycles when the flowering stage commences. This will give your plants the nourishment and energy they need to thrive, flower, and yield tons of light green, trichome-rich buds.

Pro Tip: Invest in high-powered LEDs or high-pressure sodium vapor lights (HPS) for guaranteed light that doesn’t rely on the weather.

Low-Stress Training Techniques

Low-stress training (LST) is an effective technique for maximizing yields. LST involves manipulating the plant’s branches to increase light exposure and create a more even canopy, encouraging the plant to produce larger, denser buds, yielding a higher harvest weight.

Additionally, many growers recommend topping techniques that enhance horizontal growth and maximize yield. This process involves removing the top portion of the central stem to promote side-branching and further increase yields.

Pro Tip: No matter what technique you choose, just be sure to execute it carefully – as any harsh pruning can stress your plants and diminish yield potential.

Want to make the most of your Bubble Gum Gelato strain seeds? Read the Marijuana Resource Center guide to maximizing yield size.
How To Grow Bubble Gum Gelato Strain With Massive Yields 5

Make The Most of Your Bubble Gum Gelato Strain

With proper care and maintenance, you can maximize your Bubble Gum Gelato strain yield and enjoy its amazing effects for months and months. Our tips should ensure that you get up to 2oz of bud per square foot, but download our free bonus pack and learn more growing secrets that could lead to even larger yields.

More Marijuana Resources

Looking for the best supplies to grow cannabis? Houseplant Resource Center has you covered.

We sell high-quality gardening supplies for any type of grower. We love helping cannabis enthusiasts cultivate their first plants. Check out our Amazon Store to learn more about our products.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  

Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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How To Grow Bubble Gum Gelato Strain With Massive Yields 6
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