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Root rot plagues cannabis and gives the appearance of droopy, yellow coloration, stunted growth, wilting leaves, curled leaves, and clawed leaves.

Growing Healthy Plants: Root Rot Cannabis

There are a lot of problems plaguing cannabis plants that allow them to stop growing long-term. By knowing how to spot these problems, you can have a successful growth cycle, including root rot. 

Your plants can’t draw in more oxygen if root rot plagues them that give the appearance of droopy, yellow coloration, stunted growth, wilting leaves, curled leaves, and clawed leaves. It makes the plant appear unhealthy and doesn’t sustain plant growth. 

Indoor Plant Food

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Root rot makes it hard for your cannabis plants to thrive over time and occurs in many growers’ cannabis gardens. 

We are going to guide you through the signs you need to look out for and how to combat root rot cannabis. 

Root rot plagues cannabis and gives the appearance of droopy, yellow coloration, stunted growth, wilting leaves, curled leaves, and clawed leaves.
Growing Healthy Plants: Root Rot Cannabis 6

What Are The Signs Of Root Rot In Cannabis? 

Root rot in cannabis can hinder the growth cycle of these plants that make it hard for them to continue growing. 

Here are some signs to watch out for in root rot:

  1. Burnt edges on leaves: When the leaves appear burnt on the edges, you need to consider it can be root rot. 
  2. Yellow, brown, and or pale leaves: The leaves can look yellow, brown, or pale as you look at them. They should be noticeable to the naked eye. 
  3. Wilting leaves falling and drying: Leaves are falling from the cannabis plant and seem dry. 
  4. Stunted growth: The plants may appear to be stunted since they aren’t growing anymore. 
  5. Root comes off easily: If you can easily pull your plant off of the ground then the root is rotting. 
  6. Brown spots with mush textures: There should be brown spots occurring throughout the leaves and you can feel mushiness as you touch certain areas of the plant. 
  7. Mildew odors: This occurs from the mushy texture and can smell like mildew. 

These are the signs to watch out for when growing cannabis on various occasions or all year round. 

They aren’t hard to spot, but they can mimic other problematic issues in the plants. It’s best to see if the plants have all the signs to give you the idea that root rot is occurring. 

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Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

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Does Root Rot Have A Smell?

Root rot does have a smell to the cannabis plant since you can experience a mildew odor from it. 

The smell can take up the entire room if you’re growing indoors. For those growing outdoors, you can smell it up close. 

How To Combat Root Rot? 

You can combat root rot when you spot the signs early enough to bring the plant back to its healthy state, but if the root is already rotting then it’s too late to save it. 

When you look at your cannabis plants, you can see if there are healthy areas of the plant. If the plant is showing healthy roots underneath then you have the opportunity to save it. 

Here are some ways to save the root rot cannabis:

  • Treat the plants with a Root Rot Supplement
  • Incorporate microbes or good bacteria into the cannabis plants
  • Only give the plants quality soil with proper drainage
  • Make sure the room is ventilated with good air circulation
  • Don’t overwater the plants

These can save the plant after you treat them in the areas needed. By doing extra steps to prevent root rot from occuring again, you can maintain healthy plants. 

Giving the plants proper drainage soil and robust nutrients is essential to allow the plants to thrive over time.

More Marijuana Resources

Looking for the best supplies to grow cannabis? Houseplant Resource Center has you covered.

We sell high-quality gardening supplies for any type of grower. We love helping cannabis enthusiasts cultivate their first plants. Check out our Amazon Store to learn more about our products.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  

Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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Indoor Plant Food

Are you starving your Marijuana plant?

Made specifically for marijuana plants, our plant food will help guide your plants to a longer, more beautiful life and provide the most care possible.

Indoor Plant Soil

Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

Enjoy healthy, marijuana plant leaves and stop stressing about your plant!

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