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A cloning box is where you replant parts of a cannabis plant in pods of the box for it to grow into another full plant.

Cloning Box: What Is It And How To Build One

As a cannabis grower, you may encounter the trend of growing flowers in a cloning box to reap the benefits of the same strain repeatedly. 

A cloning box is where you replant parts of a cannabis plant in pods of the box for it to grow into another full plant. You take cuttings from an adult cannabis plant and place them in the cloning box. 

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Many users incorporate the method to grow their bountiful herbs over and over again. It’s an ideal start to growing clones to enjoy flowers upon harvest time. 

We are going to dive into the details of using a cloning box for your cannabis buds. Keep reading for more! 

A cloning box is where you replant parts of a cannabis plant in pods of the box for it to grow into another full plant.
Cloning Box: What Is It And How To Build One 6

What’s A Cloning Box?

As we mentioned earlier, a cloning box is a planting box that gives growers the chance to grow their cannabis flowers from the cuttings of the adult plants and place them inside the planting box.

You can trim the branch of an adult cannabis plant to place them inside a cloning box for it to grow. When growing, the sapling has to obtain its root system for it to grow further. 

With consistent care in cultivating several plants in a cloning box, you can have more than one successful harvest for every new plant you grow. 

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Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

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How Do You Make A Cloning Box?

As you’re thinking about growing cannabis flowers in a cloning box, you can make your own cloning box with simple materials using either a cabinet with sections or plastic crates made for growing seedlings. 

You will need the following materials to build a cabinet cloning box:

  • Cabinet: You should build a cabinet for your cannabis plants to grow well in. The size must hold the number of plants you’re wanting to grow. You can also purchase a cabinet with the requested size you want.  It’s best to divide the cabinet into three levels for your small seedlings and clones until they grow larger. 
  • Lighting: This is an important element for growing clones indoors. You should pick LED lights to fit the cabinet you’re setting your clones in.
  • Fans and ventilation: You need airflow for your cannabis plants to avoid mold and other issues. 
  • Reflective material: You need a reflective material to place on the walls to enhance the lighting your plants need. You can use mylar since it’s the most effective reflective material. 

These are some of the supplies you need to build a cloning box. You can customize the box to your liking. The cloning box should be versatile and have enough room to grow the trimming of cannabis plants. 

Many growers use the cloning method to provide them with alot of flowers all year-round. You can grow numerous strains in a cloning box and have enough buds to last a long while. 

Benefits Of Using A Cloning Box For Cannabis Cultivation

When using a cloning box for cannabis cultivation, there are many benefits to growing cannabis in them. 

Benefits Of Using A Cloning Box:

  • You get more out of your cannabis plants.
  • You can use one adult plant to grow multiple plants in the same genetic pool.
  • They offer a lot of compartments to place trimmings inside with minimal hassle. 
  • The cloning box keeps the plants safe and secure from outside pests. 

The benefits of using a cloning box can allow you to grow healthy and bountiful plants with minimal challenges. If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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Indoor Plant Food

Are you starving your Marijuana plant?

Made specifically for marijuana plants, our plant food will help guide your plants to a longer, more beautiful life and provide the most care possible.

Indoor Plant Soil

Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

Enjoy healthy, marijuana plant leaves and stop stressing about your plant!

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