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Want to grow a weed with 30% to 38% THC? Read the Marijuana Resource growing guide to the Brownie Scout strain and get all the THC you need for a potent high.

Best Weed To Grow With High THC Levels: Brownie Scout Strain

High THC levels averaging 30% to 38% make the Brownie Scout strain one of the most sought-after and popular varieties of cannabis to grow. This hybrid marijuana strain is a cross between Platinum Girl Scout Cookies and Kosher Kush, giving it an incredibly unique flavor profile that’s sweet, earthy, and spicy all at once.

Growing this strain for its high THC content produces a variety of effects, ranging from a euphoric feeling to deep relaxation. But to get the chilled-out vibe and energetic boost this potent strain provides, you must know how to grow it properly.

Stage 1: Germination

There are many ways to take this first step, but they all require starting with a high-quality seed from a reputable supplier. 

Whether it’s a paper towel, a glass of water, or a dedicated germination medium, make sure to keep the seed in a dark, damp, and warm environment. Depending on the method used, germination can take anywhere from 12 hours to a few days for Brownie Scout seeds.

Stage 2: Vegetative Growth

For approximately 2 to 16 weeks, your plants will be in the vegetative stage. This is when you should pay close attention to your plants’ watering, light, and nutrients to make sure they get the best care possible. During this growth stage, Brownie Scout plants will need 18-24 hours of light each day to stay healthy and produce buds later on.

During this time, regular pruning is also important to help shape the plants and direct their energy into growing larger buds. You’ll also want to ensure that you’re feeding your plants the correct ratios and amounts of nutrients during this stage.

Want to grow a weed with 30% to 38% THC? Read the Marijuana Resource growing guide to the Brownie Scout strain and get all the THC you need for a potent high.
Best Weed To Grow With High THC Levels: Brownie Scout Strain 5

Stage 3: Flowering

Once your Brownie Scout plants have established a solid root system, flowering can begin. This is when the buds will start to form, and you’ll see the most potent THC levels. After 10-14 weeks of flowering, your plants should be ready for harvest, and the buds should be bursting with trichomes and a pungent aroma.

Flowering time for indoor grows is up to eight weeks, and outdoor grows can take up to 14 weeks. The light cycle will need adjusting to initiate flowering, so be sure to have the correct lighting for the flowering phase.

Stage 4: Harvesting and Drying

Once you’ve reached the end of this growth cycle, it’s time to harvest and dry your buds. For best results, use scissors or pruning shears to carefully trim off individual branches at their base and hang them upside down in a dark place with good airflow.

Because of the unique growth of this cannabis strain, the buds can take up to two weeks to dry properly. After this period, your Brownie Scout plants are ready to cure, store, and, most importantly, smoke.

Brownie Scout Strain Growing Tips

While understanding the process seems straightforward, there are some things you can do to ensure the best results when growing Brownie Scout.

Temperature & Humidity

Brownie Scout thrives in warm, summery climates with an average temperature of 75°F (23°C) to 80°F (26.5°C). Keep humidity levels between 40% and 50%, and supplement your airflow if necessary.


Provide your Brownie Scout plants with a balanced nutrient profile throughout the entire growing process for maximum THC content. Use an organic soil mix rich in nitrogen and potassium, as these are essential for your plant’s growth.


Regular pruning and training during the vegetative stage can help encourage larger buds with higher THC levels. This involves techniques like topping, super cropping, and low-stress training.

Experience The Power of High THC Levels

At 30–38% THC levels, the Brownie Scout strain is an excellent choice for anyone looking for potent smoke with powerful effects. Growing this strain requires dedication and patience, but the end result is definitely worth it.

Looking for the best supplies to grow cannabis? Houseplant Resource Center has you covered.

We sell high-quality gardening supplies for any type of grower. We love helping cannabis enthusiasts cultivate their first plants. Check out our Amazon Store to learn more about our products.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  

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Best Weed To Grow With High THC Levels: Brownie Scout Strain 6

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