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The best outdoor grow set-up depends on the equipment, location, and setting up of the growing area for maximum yields.

Best Outdoor Grow Set-up

If you are thinking about growing cannabis, the best place is to start growing outdoors for various cannabis strains. 

The best outdoor grow set-up depends on the equipment, location, and setting up of the growing area for maximum yields. 

When you set up the growing area, there are some things you should know before setting your seeds in the soil

We’ll guide you on getting the best outdoor grow set-up for the right environmental conditions and location. 

What’s The Best Grow Setup For Growing Cannabis Outdoors?

The best setup for growing cannabis outdoors is having high-quality seeds, high-quality soil, grow containers, reverse-osmosis water or other quality water, nutrients, and pruning tools.


When you start, make sure to locate quality seeds from a good source and identify the best seed strains to grow in your area. There are different types of seeds you can grow including: 

  1. Regular Seeds: These seeds give you a 50 to 50 ratio of becoming male or female plants during the growth cycles. They are ideal for growers who want to breed different flower strains or want plants with a high-stress point. High-stress points are great for new growers to practice growing cannabis.  
  2. Feminized Seeds: These seeds grow female flowers that are great for growers planning on only smoking the buds. 
  3. Autoflower Seeds: These are non-photo period and flower naturally on their growth cycles. Their vegetation is between 5 to 6 weeks and they ripen within 3 to 4 months. 

Picking the ideal seed for your growth is essential to have good yields long-term. It will vary on the type of growth you want or need. 


You can use soil or non-soil ways to grow your cannabis flower over time. Plants can thrive well, especially grown correctly.

Potting soil is a great way to start growing flowers that you can buy online or from a store. The potting soil has nutrients embedded inside to give you the most nutrients for your cannabis.

Super soil and a pre-fertilized blend of soil can also be used as a part of your grow set-up. 

Advanced growers enjoy using peat moss, coco coir, Rockwool, hydroton, or perlite within their growth cycles. 

You can also plant the seeds straight into the dirt outside that make it easy to grow effortlessly without working too hard. 

Quality Water

You can use quality water from a reverse-osmosis or filtered water for the purest growth of cannabis plants. 

Plants grow the best with this type of water and enhance long-term growth over time. 


The tools for growing cannabis you can use are scissors, a PH pen, containers for growth, and a spray pump for pesticide usage. You may use scissors to trim away excess foliage down the line. 

The PH pen allows you to check the ph levels of your soil to ensure you have a stable growth environment. 

When using a spray pump, it may be a good fit for you to put a treatment inside and spray the plants to ward off unwanted pesticides. 

The best outdoor grow set-up depends on the equipment, location, and setting up of the growing area for maximum yields.
Best Outdoor Grow Set-up 5

Where to Grow Cannabis Outdoors?

You can grow outdoors anywhere in warm weather conditions during the growth cycle. The growth of the plants depends on the environment it’s grown. 

When growing, you can pick strains that grow well in outdoor environments. It can help you give large yields and provide a good growth cycle over time. 

Many strains grow differently in various weather conditions so be sure you know what strain you’re growing. 

Overall, these are the best outdoor grow set-up you need to have a successful growth cycle.

Looking for the best supplies to grow cannabis? Houseplant Resource Center has you covered.

We sell high-quality gardening supplies for any type of grower. We love helping cannabis enthusiasts cultivate their first plants. Check out our Amazon Store to learn more about our products.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  

Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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Best Outdoor Grow Set-up 6
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