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fungus gnats

A Brief Guide To Fungus Gnats On Cannabis

Cannabis is susceptible to several diseases and pests that can hinder the plant’s growth for success. Fungus gnats are one of the types of pests you need to keep an eye on if you’re growing cannabis. 

Fungus gnats, known as Bradysia spp. are insects that can make cannabis leaves turn yellow, ruin the root system, and let leaves wilt or droop during the larvae and adults stage of their life. They enjoy eating young cannabis plants in moist environments. 

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When you’re growing cannabis plants it’s important to avoid fungus gnats on them since they pose a risk to their growth. 

We are going to dive into the details of fungus gnats on cannabis to give you insight into how to combat them. 

We are going to dive into the details of fungus gnats on cannabis to give you insight into how to combat them.
A Brief Guide To Fungus Gnats On Cannabis 6

Are Fungus Gnats On Cannabis Bad For The Plant?

Fungus gnats on cannabis are bad for the plant when they’re in the larvae stage of their life cycle. The adults don’t give off as much damage as larvae, but they’re still known to hinder the plant’s growth. 

The larvae attack the root system in the early stages of the plant’s growth. They consume the roots and interrupt the plant’s ability to take in water and nutrients.

Cannabis plants thrive better without these pests disrupting their early stages of growth and it’s best to look out for the signs of fungus gnats. 

When the fungus gnats become adults, they can give off a disease called pythium and potentially other diseases. It’s essential to keep these pests away from the cannabis plant and take precautions to prevent them from attacking the plants. 

How To Know If There Are Fungus Gnats On Cannabis? 

You know there are fungus gnats when the cannabis plant’s roots become damaged, leaves turn yellow and leaves wilt and droop.

These are the signs you need to watch out for to ensure your plants avoid getting a gnat infestation. 

The fungus gnats enjoy moist soil or environments and can live underneath the roots for a long while before they turn into adults. 

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Best Ways To Prevent Fungus Gnats 

When preventing fungus gnats, the best way is to avoid overwatering, eliminate moisture in the soil, and have proper soil drainage. 

The soil should be airy and dry in between watering cycles. Make sure the environment doesn’t attract moisture to the plants and soil by keeping good air flowing through. 

By keeping an air filtration system in place or fans, you can minimize moisture in the air and in the soil. 

It’s essential to also ensure there aren’t any potential leaks that can drain the plants unnecessarily. 

Can You Save Cannabis Plants With Fungus Gnats? 

Yes, you can save cannabis plants with fungus gnats by top-dressing soil with sand, placing gnat traps, and don’t overwater your plants.

You can save your plants by using these methods to eliminate gnats eating your baby plants. 

Weed plants enjoy room-temperature environments with quality air flowing through and enough water for them to grow well. If you give them too much heat temperatures or too much water, then you may attract other pests and fungi to the plants. 

It’s why you need to monitor the plants closely to ensure you’re plants can thrive throughout their entire life cycle.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  

Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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Indoor Plant Food

Are you starving your Marijuana plant?

Made specifically for marijuana plants, our plant food will help guide your plants to a longer, more beautiful life and provide the most care possible.

Indoor Plant Soil

Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

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