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A good amount to put pH up per gallon is putting 1 to 2 milliliters and testing within 20 minutes

Growing Cannabis: How Much pH Up Per Gallon?

Growing healthy and living cannabis plants can prove challenging. As growers learn the cultivation techniques, pH levels can be a confusing metric to understand when growing cannabis. 

A common question many may ask is: How much pH up per gallon is the right amount? 

A good amount to put pH up per gallon is putting 1 to 2 milliliters and testing within 20 minutes until you reach the desired amount of pH your cannabis plants need. 

In our brief guide, we are going to explore the accurate amount of pH up per gallon to use, explore the advantages and disadvantages of imbalanced pH, and provide insight into putting nutrients alongside pH at the right time. 

Indoor Plant Food

Are you starving your Marijuana plant?

Made specifically for marijuana plants, our plant food will help guide your plants to a longer, more beautiful life and provide the most care possible.


What’s The Right Amount Of pH Up Per Gallon?

As you decide the accurate amount of pH up per gallon, you should know your cannabis plants require a clear pH scale. The optimal pH range for cannabis cultivation typically falls between 5.5 and 7.0, but it ultimately depends on the cannabis strain you’re growing. 

If you’re planning on changing pH with pH solutions, it’s best to start with small amounts ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 pH units. You can do this until you reach the desired amount within the right pH range. 

The growth of cannabis plants may have different pH ranges and you need to pay close attention to the pH level at every stage of the plant life cycle. 

A good amount to put pH up per gallon is putting 1 to 2 milliliters and testing within 20 minutes
Growing Cannabis: How Much pH Up Per Gallon? 6

Disadvantages Of Putting Too Much Or Not Enough pH Up Per Gallon

There are some disadvantages you need to look out for when putting too much or not enough pH up per gallon. 

  1. Too Much Acid In Soil: Adding excessive pH up solution can lead to too much acid in the growing medium, causing essential nutrients to become less available to the plant roots. This can result in stunted growth and nutrient deficiencies.
  2. Alkaline Shock: If you’re using too little pH up solution, the problem can result in alkaline shock, where the pH of the medium becomes disrupted. This blocks nutrient uptake and triggers nutrient lockout, depriving plants of vital elements.

These are some disadvantages to watch out for to keep a proper growth cycle for your cannabis buds. 

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Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

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Advantages Of Putting The Accurate Amount Of pH Up Per Gallon

Along with disadvantages, you have positive advantages for providing the accurate amount of pH up per gallon for your cannabis plants. 

  1. Optimal Nutrient Absorption: Maintaining the correct pH levels ensures that nutrients are available in their most absorbable forms, promoting healthy growth and maximizing yield potential.
  2. Disease Prevention: Balanced pH levels create an environment less conducive to harmful pathogens and diseases. Healthy plants are better equipped to ward off infections.
  3. Root Health: Adequate pH levels encourage strong root development by preventing nutrient imbalances that can harm root systems.
  4. Adding Nutrients Before pH: A common mistake is adding nutrients to the water before adjusting pH levels. This can lead to nutrient lockout – a scenario where certain nutrients become unavailable to the plant due to pH imbalances. To avoid this, always adjust the pH of your water to the appropriate range before introducing nutrients. This practice ensures that the nutrients you provide are accessible to your plants and effectively absorbed.

By understanding the accurate amount of pH up per gallon you need for your cannabis plants to thrive, you can adjust your levels to give the best level of pH your plants need. 

If you don’t pay attention to the pH up per gallon of your cannabis plants, you can run into obstacles and an unhealthy growth cycle. 

For more info on optimizing your cannabis grow space, check out, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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Indoor Plant Food

Are you starving your Marijuana plant?

Made specifically for marijuana plants, our plant food will help guide your plants to a longer, more beautiful life and provide the most care possible.

Indoor Plant Soil

Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

Enjoy healthy, marijuana plant leaves and stop stressing about your plant!

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