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We'll explain further how to dry bubble hash for you to know and conduct as you dry your bubble hash.

How To Dry Bubble Hash

Growers enjoy planting cannabis from beginning to end, especially when drying bubble hash. If you’re learning how to dry bubble hash, the method is simple once you know how to incorporate it. 

When drying bubble hash, you can air dry, freezer dry, and cold room dry. Ideally, you need to spread the wet hash on drying screens or trays, maintain proper drying conditions with accurate temperature and humidity levels, and let it dry for several hours or days either in a cool room, freezer, or freezer dryer. During this time, you need to monitor the texture and moisture content of the hash element and then store it in an air-tight container in a cool dark area after the drying process. 

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We’ll explain further how to dry bubble hash for you to know and conduct as you dry your bubble hash. 

We'll explain further how to dry bubble hash for you to know and conduct as you dry your bubble hash.
How To Dry Bubble Hash 6

How Do You Dry Bubble Hash?

The bubble has to go through several methods before you can store it for a long while in an air-tight container. 

These methods include: 

1. Air Dry

When air drying, you need a cardboard surface, strainer or sieve, parchment paper, a freezer, a cool dark room with low humidity levels, and an ice water bubble hash. 

As you start, place the wet hash onto a surface area or parchment paper and set it in the freezer. Allow the hash to freeze for up to 12 hours, and place your strainer or sieve into the freezer at this point. 

Next, prepare your cardboard surface and place parchment paper on top. It’s best to have the waxy side of the parchment paper facing up to receive the hash. 

After your hash has been in the freezer for 12 hours, you can remove it. It should have solid clumps to easily slide over the sieve or strainer until you get a sandy texture. Make sure you’re sifting one clump at a time over your cardboard surface. 

Lastly, make sure to put a cardboard lid on top then place it in a room where it’s cool, dark, and dry. A good temperature is about 55 degrees and a humidity of 35%. At this point, you can leave it to dry for up to 10 days or less. 

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2. Freeze Dryer Method

When you freeze dry bubble hash, make sure to have the freezer dryer system set up where you can complete this process. You will need to buy one online. 

As you put your hash in a freezer dryer, place the wet hash onto a parchment paper that’s on a tray. Your hash should be spread out evenly and thinly. Place the hash into the freezer dryer then set the temperature to 50 degrees Fahrenheit and set the timer. The more oily the hash then the longer and lower the temperature is needed about 16 hours. The more sandy hash then the higher the heat temperature and a short drying time is needed, about 10 hours. Make sure it doesn’t exceed this temperature level. 

You can remove the hash from the freezer dryer and test it to see if it pops and cracks with no moisture poking out. 

3. Cold Room Method

As you use the cold room method for your hash, you need to have a room temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. You can place the hash onto a tray with parchment paper in the room until it’s dry. Make sure to monitor humidity levels and moisture

These are the best methods to air-dry bubble hash to enjoy it over long periods. You can try one or all and see the best one for your hash consumption.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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Indoor Plant Food

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