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In this article, we are going to dive into cannabis phosphorus deficiency symptoms and how to fix them. Keep reading for more!

Optimizing Your Plants: Cannabis Phosphorus Deficiency

As cannabis plants grow from seed to full fruit, it can prove challenging to sustain the health of the plants due to unknown pests and deficiencies that may occur, especially phosphorus deficiency. 

When your plants have phosphorus deficiency, the leaves appear blue-green, copper, purple, and they may curl, wither or fall off. Plants need enough phosphorous to grow well by giving them the right nutrient source.

Indoor Plant Food

Are you starving your Marijuana plant?

Made specifically for marijuana plants, our plant food will help guide your plants to a longer, more beautiful life and provide the most care possible.


If you want your plants to get back to their health state, it’s best to watch out for the signs or symptoms of cannabis phosphorus deficiency.

In this article, we are going to dive into cannabis phosphorus deficiency symptoms and how to fix them. Keep reading for more! 

cannabis phosphorus deficiency
Optimizing Your Plants: Cannabis Phosphorus Deficiency 6

What Are The Symptoms Of Cannabis Phosphorous Deficiency?

Cannabis phosphorous deficiency occurs when the plant’s leaves look blue-green, copper, and or purple with leaves curling and withering off. 

For those of you who have these symptoms, it’s essential to take action to fix the issue before your plant dies off.

Can You Fix Phosphorous Deficiency In Weed Plants?

Yes, you can fix it by flushing your plant with quality pH water infused with robust nutrients and phosphorous. You can also change your water supply if there are too many nutrient salts that are causing the deficiency.

These are some of the ways you can fix phosphorous deficiency that can yield positive results and buds. 

When you take care to look for the issues of the deficiency, you can revert the plants back to their normal condition. 

Indoor Plant Soil

Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

Enjoy healthy, marijuana plant leaves and stop stressing about your plant!


How To Combat Symptoms Of Cannabis Phosphorous Deficiency?

For your plants to avoid phosphorous deficiency, make sure to adjust the pH levels properly, provide the proper temperature, give plants the right amount of phosphorus nutrients and other pivotal nutrients, and don’t overwater the plants. 

When growing cannabis, you should find good soil drainage with enough nutrients to sustain the growth of the plants.

Cannabis plants need a room-temperature environment to avoid phosphorous deficiency. Cold temperatures are known to provide the problem in cannabis plants. 

It’s important to avoid overwatering plants since this can also affect the plants to have a phosphorous deficiency.

By using these methods in preventing phosphorous deficiency, your plants can bypass the issue. 

What Are Good Sources Of Phosphorus For Cannabis Plants? 

There are a few good sources of phosphorous for cannabis plants to thrive that include bone meal, bat guano, and manures. 

Bone meal from fish or animals can provide the phosphorous nutrient cannabis plants need to survive. They’re easy to get and don’t require you to spend a lot of money. 

Bat guano is another phosphorous nutrient weed plants need since it is a good source for container cannabis plants. 

Manure is an ideal source to give to cannabis plants so they have enough phosphorous. A good source of manure is from pigs and chickens to place in your cannabis garden. 

These are some sources you can use to provide your plants with phosphorous nutrients that are more natural and organic.

If you’re a cannabis grower wanting to learn about the ins and outs of growing, you can register for our free Ultimate Marijuana Home Growing webinar.  Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about indoor and outdoor growing tips. New subscribers receive a free Quickstart Guide to Growing Marijuana Ebook and they can join our Weed Wisdom Facebook Community.

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Indoor Plant Food

Are you starving your Marijuana plant?

Made specifically for marijuana plants, our plant food will help guide your plants to a longer, more beautiful life and provide the most care possible.

Indoor Plant Soil

Our fast-draining, well-aerated soil is designed to correct brown spots, prevent dropping leaves, and encourage new marijuana plant growth.

Enjoy healthy, marijuana plant leaves and stop stressing about your plant!

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